Overlay Instructions
  1. Join Steins;Place's Discord server.
  2. Install Tampermonkey (Chrome, Edge or Opera), or Violentmonkey (Firefox). Android users can use Kiwi Browser and install the script as usual.
  3. Install the Template Manager script. If you don't see an install button, go to Tampermonkey's dashboard, create a new script and copy-paste the code.
  4. Open r/place for the script to take effect. If everything went right, you'll see squares inside of squares around those coordinates. The color of the inside square is what color the outside square needs to be.
  5. If you still don't see the overlay, search for this icon, then populate the template URL with https://r-steins-place.pages.dev/overlay.json and press on "Always load". Your settings should look like this.